0-6-0 long address

Just got a Proto 2000 0-6-0 with QSI Quantum sound. When using DCC to program a long address (using a MRC Advance2) there is an acnowledgement from the unit but anything longer than the short address option (up to 127) will not take. The book has a way to program a long address but it seems way beyond what I have done before. Accessing bits within a CV? I don’t know if my DCC system will do that…Thought someone out there might have a simpler way. Just trying to program in the Engine # (384) to be consistent with what I have done with all the other engines.

Thanks, Bob


Did you try making the long address “0384”? This is the way I have to do it with my NCE Power Cab. That might work for you…


Sounds like there in an error when the command station is configuring the long address. Presuming that your system has the capability to program CVs in OPs mode, try the following:

In OPS mode program in this order:

CV 17= 193

CV 18 = 128

CV 29 = 38 if you want to be able to run it in DC


CV 29 = 34 if you want to disable DC operation (disabling DC operation is recommended if you are not going to use the loco on a DC layout)

This should set you up with the loco programmed to #384


Note also that for some systems QSI directs you to set CV 62 to 0 to immobilize the verbal feedback feature if you are going to do programming on the main.


Are you certain that you have to do this? I thought adding the zero was only for addresses 127 and lower.


I went back and looked on pg. 50 of the Power Cab manual and you are indeed correct. I thought that any number below 1000 needed to have four digits for a long address. As you stated, only numbers below 128 need to have the zero prefix.


Thank you all for your replies! I found how to do it after thrashing around for a while with the QSI DCC reference manual on Walther’s and the Steam Locomotive operations manual. My main problem is I couldn’t believe it was this convoluted as my other loco’s from BLI and MTH take about 10 seconds to program…just plug in the # and you are good to go. For this one it was:

Set CV49 to 129 Set CV50 to 17 Set CV56 to the value of 17 from the table (193) Set CV50 to 18 Set CV 56 to the value from the table (128) Set CV29 to 38…

You know I was just gonna say that! Lucky they gave me the values in a table cause I saw how they came by them in the manual. I am pretty sure space shuttles have been launched without as much input…I really like this little engine but I think they out thought the room when it came to decoder setup. It is nice to have all the stuff it has but all I really need a bell, a short whistle and maybe coupler sounds and drawbar crash and I’m ready to work the yard. The short “hoot” is elusive and you usually get the grade crossing type. I’ll have to try to figure out that one but for now it is working as eng. #0384!Woo Hoo…one victory at a time…

Thanks, Bob