027 gone crazy

I’ve always been limited by small rooms. Luckily, the Lionel 027 stuff my dad started getting me in the 50’s, and the old Ives set his dad got him, fit nicely on 3’ by 15’ ish “L” shaped module layout holding ‘bout 70’ of Gargraves stainless. Small room meaning bed and stuff included. Always been able to sit on bed to work trannies and switches. Hinged sections to allow access to closets. etc… Used to have trundle bed under layout for when my son visited in summers. (had to put up with his rewiring tricks). Having to pack the most track and accessories into smallest areas, I squeezed the 027 turns down to 022 radius with 1/8" clearences in turns between longest car corners on parallel mainlines and sidings. Wall to wall scale landscape with mts. and water features, figures, trees, backdrop etc… My baby-boomer dream resurected in the early 90’s. Took awhile to re-collect parts from 4 siblings, but finally was able to spend hundreds of hours assembling first real layout in Hawaii, only to have roof blown off house in hurricane Iniki. Saved engines and rolling stock, but even stainless ages underwater. Sawed it in half for storage (that’s when it became modular - now has Molex connectors) and moved it to a new house here in Washington couple years ago. It’s still bedside, which allows for midnite inspirational changes. SO…
LOOKING for #2434 Newark and #2436 Summit Silver/red Pullman Cars in Excellant condition to complete this dream phase.
Any other 027 buffs out there??? petekel@comcast.net