027 Scale

I’m helping a buddy who puts up an 027 Lionel layout every Christmas. He wants me to build a tunnel that will also be used as a hill to put buildings on (his whole layout uses Dept. 56 buildings) and he wants to put some “up on a hill” and have the trains run underneath. I have an idea for the design, but I don’t know how tall I should make the tunnel to allow easy passage of the cars.

Can anyone tell me what the max. height a Lionel 027 car is, probably a bobber caboose…



6" is a safe height. It should allow the use of almost every car and engine that can run on 027 track.

I think you’ll find 6" is way more than enough. I suggest borrowing a car or two and some of the track (if this is to be on a curve) because you also need to think about clearances on the sides of the tunnel portal.
Dave Nelson

I think 4 1/2 inches would more than enough assuming your buddy is not running any scale (Hi-rail here) equipment. A typical 1955 boxcar measures 3 1/2 inches to the roofwalk with the car off the track on its wheel flanges. Track height would be about 3/8-1/2" additional.


To Everyone,

Thank You for the input! The area where the tunnel will be is a straight 4’ run, no curves, so I shouldn’t have any issues as far as side clearance. The depth of the tunnel is going to be at least 12", so there should be plenty of clearance.

I’m framing everything out with wood, then glueing high density styrofaom on the sides, etc., then shaping the foam to look like rock… then some paint, and greens, and we should be go to go! I want the under-base to be strong enough to support the weight of the Dept. 56 buildings.

Again, Thanks for your insights.


Actually Dave, 6" is cutting it close for some of the modern scale sized cars, though from the sound of this application, it should be more than enough.

Side clearance is a much bigger problem if the tunnel covers any curves. If not properly allowed for, it will limit the length of cars that can be used.

don’t forget to lower your cranecar

That sounds like one for Tom McComas, and I Love Toy Trains.

OH NO!!![:0][:0][swg]

Good point Elliot. Before doing the work, I’d want to look at every car and locomotive (including the crane cars lol). My assumption was that O-27 trains referred to are O gauge but not 1/4 inch scale. They are closer to S in size.
Dave Nelson

O27 cars are the smallest of the ‘O’ scale Lionel cars and locos. They are quite a but undersize to be good runners on very sharp curve track, 27 inch across the center to center of a circle. The regular postwar “O” series of cars were a bit larger, and some of the locos are a lot larger, barely making it around the 31 inch to the centers diameter. Today Lionel, Weaver, Atlas, MTH and others produce accurate scale size “O” cars and locos that in theory could bo placed on the Holiday Loop in the future. Its also possible that someday he might upgrade his track to O31 or one of the newer design track systems, all of which are a bit taller than O27. I would suggest making the clearances at least open enough to clear regular size postwar cars and locos on the larger/taller track. Many of these postwar cars are actually being reproduced today!

We have a LOT of fun with our Postwar 3 rail!
Jennifer and Mike