027 switches are going to be the death of me

hi everyone my names is ron im 32 and live in california im working on my dads layout and have run in to a problem the 027 track that i put in has 2 switches about 3-4 feet from each other my question is how do i make the swithes automatic to where they will change when the train hits them im in over my head and getting very frustrated any help is much appreciated i will put up pics and stuff tomorrow thank you

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Welcome on board, Ron_Caywood.

I live in the U.K. so unable to answer your question.
I am sure someone over the pond will answer.


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Welcome to the forums, Ron_Caywood!

You may want to repost this question on the Classic Toy Trains forum. I think more 027 track users will read it there.

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I agree with York repost it Classic troy train they will be able to answer you.

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ok thank you i appreciate it \

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Well you have got to make sure you got power going to them or if they are set up for the derailment?! Meaning they hafta have insulated pins at the inner part of the switches

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Would help to know which model O27 switch you are trying to connect. In general, automatic switches need insulator pins to trip the auto feature. A picture of the switches and how you are trying to set up would help.

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Be sure to place your insulating pins correctly if they are 1953 or later 1122 style switches.

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If you are using 1121 style switches, there is a little extra work involved to make them non-derailing: