1/12 Scale Train at Boothbay Railway Village - Looking for Track

One of the displays we have at Boothbay Railway Village is a 1/12 scale BAR train. It was scratch built in the mid 1960s for BAR as part of the Maine Pavillion at Expo 67 in Monrteal. The GP38 locomotive was electric, running on a 35V NiCad battery in one of the boxcars. It has been part of the permanent display at BRV for many years.

Recently there has been some interest in getting it running again. We had the original track, but have not been able to locate it. It appears we will have to buy new materials. I was wondering if there was a source of 1-1/2 scale track (i.e. 4-3/4" gauge*); or, if that is not possible, someplace we could purchase rail, spikes and other bits to get some track on the ground.
(*Note: It could be 4" gauge, I need to get at it or one of the boxcars stored in our warehouse for an accurate measurement.)


A quick search brought these folks to the forefront:



Thanks for the information, it is a big help