10 x 12 Layout submission, final thoughts on the 12 x 12

I have redesigned my 12 x 12 Layout submission to fit the following.

Scale: HO Scale

Name: Dead Horse & Rump Central

Chief traffic: stick (hit repeatedly), flies, maggots, and other noxious odors.

Operations: Its dead, so it does not operate

Thanks guys for comments and suggested changes. Heck, if I’d know this little error on my part would have caused such a commotion, I would have run for president and installed a layout in the Oval Office! Say, you know what kind of layout to build in the oval office? Oval of course!


The problem was that everyone liked it. If it was a piece of junk, no one would have cared.


You forgot the hidden staging yard or “black operation yard” that lies out in Area 51. Who knows what trains are running out there. Rumors have it they transport UFOs, alien DNA, and have alien porters.

Hey, maybe we should have the next contest theme on Area 51? All tracks would be hidden, only operate in the dark, and we all would need secret security clearance to even draw it. Heck the NSA are probably reading this as I speak!

Dan M

We’d have to deny that the contest exists though!

You left out the

Sphagetti layout - where the train always seems to be going your way part of the time, but really never gets anywhere for anyone.



With a minimum of three mandatory multitrack helices - forks in centers optional. When carefully analyzed, it proves to be a conglomeration of non-connecting single-tracks, point to point.

Chuck (modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)
