So the day arrives where i become a four star memeber
Big thing- Usually i don’t bother to check in with a forum 3 secondes after i join it, and forget all about it, I’ve done that numerous times on the winamp forums… But who cares.
This is my 1000 post, Not that I like tooting my own horn, I don’t- actually I despise it. But it’s not me thats the issue right now, it’s Everyone else.
Sorry if I appear bitter, Valentines day is around the corner, yeah my blood is flowing black already, I’m really not bitter though, right now i’m in a good mood.
Without every and any last one of you, I wouldn’t be here right now, I wouldn’t have argued with you, I wouldn’t have sworn at you, (note, i never did) My English would still suck right now, But that all changed…
You know an old chinese man once said - actaully no he didn’t I jsut made this expression up…right…now!
The destination is nothing, if you havn’t picked anyhting up from your journey.
my 1000 post could mean nothing, But it doesn’t… I have picked up so much from each and everyone of you, I feel forever greatful for what you’ve done.
Weher would I be right now If i wouldn’t have argued with Ken about Engine leverls… probobly at 800, and yes i’d still be a dumbass.
Where woiuld my english be if none of you corrected me all the time… probobly still along the lines of Crap.
you’ve all taught me so much, and I don’t even know what to say
Thanks is a start, a good start too, but no where near enough the way I want to express myself.
Where would I be if Ed hadn’t taught me words like “Inane” or “F&**” (Ok that lats one was a joke, I learnt that one all by myself)
I remember the day Ed called missouri “Inane” and “socially handicaped” had to go look all of those words up, because i didn;t know what they meant, Except handicap.
Well the journey