1000 Posts

So the day arrives where i become a four star memeber

Big thing- Usually i don’t bother to check in with a forum 3 secondes after i join it, and forget all about it, I’ve done that numerous times on the winamp forums… But who cares.

This is my 1000 post, Not that I like tooting my own horn, I don’t- actually I despise it. But it’s not me thats the issue right now, it’s Everyone else.

Sorry if I appear bitter, Valentines day is around the corner, yeah my blood is flowing black already, I’m really not bitter though, right now i’m in a good mood.

Without every and any last one of you, I wouldn’t be here right now, I wouldn’t have argued with you, I wouldn’t have sworn at you, (note, i never did) My English would still suck right now, But that all changed…


You know an old chinese man once said - actaully no he didn’t I jsut made this expression up…right…now!

The destination is nothing, if you havn’t picked anyhting up from your journey.

my 1000 post could mean nothing, But it doesn’t… I have picked up so much from each and everyone of you, I feel forever greatful for what you’ve done.

Weher would I be right now If i wouldn’t have argued with Ken about Engine leverls… probobly at 800, and yes i’d still be a dumbass.

Where woiuld my english be if none of you corrected me all the time… probobly still along the lines of Crap.

you’ve all taught me so much, and I don’t even know what to say

Thanks is a start, a good start too, but no where near enough the way I want to express myself.

Where would I be if Ed hadn’t taught me words like “Inane” or “F&**” (Ok that lats one was a joke, I learnt that one all by myself)

I remember the day Ed called missouri “Inane” and “socially handicaped” had to go look all of those words up, because i didn;t know what they meant, Except handicap.

Well the journey



Way to go Kevin, congrates on your promotion.

somehow I’ve managed to be not that far behind you.[:D]

Hey Bro,
Welcome to the club,
ready to chase down Mookie?

Congratulations Kevin…


Kevin - go see my salute on the Mookie has 5 stars. You are always a delight to read - I think!


I guess you’ve earned? them. By the way,
I guess you saw that CW got the 2nd one!
(check the humor thread)

Kevin - Congratulations.

Well Kevin, another star. Just think, last October when you were madder than a wet hen, you were ready to quit. Aren’t you glad you stayed now? Congrats.

Congrats. But it’s a wonder you haven’t been locked out yet. LOL

Kevin, congratulations on your fourth star. I do enjoy reading some of your posts (others are a little too headstrong for me).

Keep up the good work on your English: it IS getting better.

NOW, how is Girlfriend, and have you gotten her something special for Valentine’s Day (and NOT a snake, either)?

Take care you young whipper snapper, you, and again, congratulations on your 1,000th post and your 4th star.

Godspeed to you.

like way to go!glad you decided to hang around!
stay safe(hi me)
Joe and Matt

Wow! Way to go Kevin! Congratulations!


Awesome, Kevin, way to go.
Did you thank your girlfriend? Shes the one who made you change your mind about leaving this place. Nice to still have you here.

It would be a Lie if i said i knew this was cooming, in fact, I thought Kevin would of had so many eggs thrown at him, he would of had to of leave.

Its a pitty no one threw the eggs, And hes still here…man!
GO home!

well you are home…

Without me you would be somewere in the 970’s

But now for the main event, because this is an interesting event, i’ve been around most of you for a few months now, and nobody here is going to kill me, i hope.
I figured last night, after keeping kevin awake all last night with my Anaymous thoughts, It must get really tired not knowing the name of a person when they talk…

Then Kevin opened his trap and said “plus an opinion wihtout a name is therefore useless”


That puts me in the loser division.

So in order for my opinion(s) to be valid, you all need a name right?

Kevin promised no one would hunt me down…

Well here goes…

Christa… thats my name…

So now my opinion is valid, you all hear that?

All in all, Congradualtions Kevin… your now 1000 posts old! Any grey hairs?


kev… congrat’s on 4 stars… and don’t forget to thank ME… sorry, Christa, for her help. Oh, and Christa… name or not, your opinion is still valid…

Hi Christa, this is cherokee woman down in Lou.,KY.

Kevin should let you post more often. Why not join the forum yourself? The more the

Good to read your posts again, young man. And Christa, good to meet you. I’m Eric, he who comes from the upper left coast.

Kevin, before I put my sock back in my mouth, I just want to say that, once earlier, I told you that you, among others, here had enriched my life, and I was thankful for that. Well, that’s just not true any longer. You have continued to enrich me - thats the truth now.

Keep up the good work. Someday, perhaps I can ride behind you, or you can take my ticket (A real pleasure to be punched). Hang in there son.

Oh, is it still QuQUQuQuold in KuBek?[:-,][tup][:-^]

Well Kev Mac Man [;)] [}:)] [:D]

The last time I looked you had 988 posts. I figured it would be another day or two before you hit the 1000 mark. But you must have made the necessary post and here you are–1 0 0 0 posts.

Now if we could only count the private emails that you and I and others send each other the total would really go up.

I thought you were history last October during the Great Canadian American War. But after the shooting died down and tempers cooled you stayed. I don’t know if you saved all the emails from people like Ed and me trying to get you to stay but at least you knew from them that we really cared about you and wanted you to stay.

Maybe one of these day I will hijack your train to Cuba (a joke between Kev and I) but until then keep posting and soon you will be at 2000.

Nice to have you in the Four Star Club. [:)] [:)] [:)] [:)]


Christa [:)]

What a lovely name. Kevin and Christa, Christa and Kevin, hmmm sounds nice, doesn’t it?

We are soooooooooo pleased to finally put a name with a post. I am sure that Nora and Stacey would welcome you into the msn messenger chat group. And Cherokee Women needs to be there too. The msn chat group is a close little family. The ones who are been in it for a while are all close. I know it would be nice to have you in the group too. Kevin can show you all the ropes. I look forward to having you in chat real soon. [;)] Oh, and bring Kev too. [:D]

Congrats Christa and Kevin on 1000.

You know of course that if you ever break up Kevin, she gets half the stars now and you’ll be back to two. Plus you’ll have to give her at least a quarter of your posts monthly…

…but if she’s put up with you for this long…

just kidding

congrats, well earned.
