1045 Flagman

I am setting up a train around the Christmas tree and wanted to attach my Flagman. I don’t have any instructions on how to do it. Can someone help. I think I have a contactor. Will the one from my automatic gateman work? Thanks.


should one wire from tranformer to your contator then a wire from it to the flagman and then one from flagman to transformer

What you need is something that only has quick contact with the wheels so the arm will swing up and down. A Lionel 154c would work but would not connect to fast track. A 153c has no provision for momentary contact it’s an on/off type of controller.

I guess I should have mentioned that I am using the old 1950s tubular track.




I don’t have the instruction sheet, but the following link might be of help:


If, you are unable to get the correct contact maybe Olsen’s, or Jeff-The train Tender might have either the original, or reproduced proper contact.

The contact from the Automatic Gateman may not work, see:


Good Luck,


If you wanted to do some scratch building, you could bend some thin brass to fit closley around the rail. Insulate the rail where the brass is installed with some electrical tape and you have built yourself a short insulated track section that can be placed anywhere.

You would wire the flagman between the transformer and the insulated section of track. The train wheels would complete the circuit, making the flagman wave.

Marx used this on many of their accessories.

Good luck.

I plain old insulated track section will so the trick for this accessory, and it isn’t as finicky as the contactor.

I repeat ,you need something like 8n said. a quick contact with the wheels. insulated track would just hold the arm up until the train passes. You want the arm to move up & down.

I had several of the 1045 contactors. Hooked one to my flag man and it works perfectly. Thanks to all. Merry Christmas.

You can "roll your own short insulated rail section that will have him waving the flag.