I’m a rookie layout wirer. I wire one wire of this Banjo connections to 14-16 volts ,the other wire to an insulated track section. There are two other acces. wired to this insulated track section and they work perfectly. The Banjo starts working as soon as I turn on power and stops when train goes by.How can I get the opposite to occur? What am I doing wrong? jfitz
Is your banjo signal connected to the same power terminal as the other two accessories that are connected to the insulated section?
If not, try connecting the Banjo there.
It sounds like the Banjo is providing a complete circuit for those two accessories. They may not run because the banjo limits the current flow to a level that is too low for them to operate.
When the train wheels bridge the insulated rails, the banjo gets bypassed (no current flow), and there is enough power to run the other two accessories.
As I was trying to figure the Banjo out I have had it getting its power from a nearby # 022 switch direct power source. I will hook it up to the acccesory buss and try that. Thank you for your help. This high tech electrical stuff makes my head hurt,but I will wade thru it.My roomate was an Elect .Eng. I was in Ag. He got me thru math and Physics. jfitz
Hey cwburfle that was it!! Thanks loads . jfitz