Just bought a basket-case, but it looks repairable.
Are the 182 mechanicals the same as the 282? The KLine repair manual (Aurotech) shows exploded 282, but not the 182.
Is a repro boom identical to an original?
Any help on the original controller, before I open it up, would be helpful as well. The only function that seems to work is the ‘boom left’ button. The center “magnet on/off” switch just spins in place.
Thanks to all, in advance, for your help.
OK… how about an article that tackled the repair? Anyone? Help? Please?
Hi Trainbud,
According to the CCT index of articles, The October 1992 issue had an article titled “Repair Lionel’s Magnetic Crane”. I don’t have my copy in front of me right now. If your interested, I can look it up late tonight when I get home and provide additional information.
Let me know.
Tim Pignatari
Thanks, Tim;
I’ll do some digging myself to see if I have that issue. If not, I’ll let ya know!
Thanks for replying,