19 year old coffee here! Get it while it's free! And have some unsugared sugar cookies

Hey! It’s toy train season! [<:o)]. Time to get those Christmas projects finished!

Mornin’ Becky. How goes things up in Snohizo? First chilly night in the Potomac Highlands, as we had to pull some plants and Benji the [ip] into the garage. I was a sports junkie over the weekend, between the playoffs for MLB and Nascar.

We had a chilly night here in the Arrowhead and surrounding Lake Superior. There was a freeze warning but nothing froze. Thanks for the update on the Potomac Highlands fife.

Northwoods Flyer

[*-)] Where be everyone???

We (Ms Kelly and me) we’re hiking in the mountains enjoying the changing colors this glorious autumn day. Now we’re cooking burgers on the grill.

Well there I was walking Winston the Attack Basset and saw a dead bat on the sidewalk! How often does THAT happen? It wasn’t smoldering in the sunlight so obviously it wasn’t Dracula. I’m guessing it was hit by a car last night and thrown on the sidewalk by the impact.

I haven’t seen anything that weird walking the dog since the Thanksgiving when somebody dumped two cooked turkeys on the side of the road! Well, the local buzzards ate well that day!

Nice to see some are still here, as for Wifey and me, well I made a trip up north to help a friend with a true log cabin build. When I got back wifey and I went up to Minocqua Wi. for a week for our # 41 years thing, to see the colors and ride the Gator with the new pup. The dog did well. The cat was another story when we were gone he decided to use the house as a cat box and advoid the cat sitter. [:(!] But now that we are back he has got back into his normal no box go outside thing,thank GOD.

Be good.

We are at our Ky. location. Just got the permit for the county to put the driveway back into our 20 acres of woods here. Doing surveying and chainsaw work.

Wayne I was walking in the woods a couple of weeks ago with my neighbor and we came across a buzzard eating a skunk [+o(]

Yikes! I guess it’s safe to assume the skunk died of natural causes!

We’ve seen vultures circling over our woods. Pretty sure we have fox in the woods.

Have not run into a skunk yet, though we’ve made a couple of large brush piles - just the sort of cover skunks like.

One of the chores when we were in Michigan was to empty out our PO box. It was pretty much chocked full.

One of the items was the Nov/Dec CTT. The multi page Menards add was interesting. I saw several cars that I liked. Given the price, I’ll probably pick them up if I happen to see them at the local Menards.




There you go!

I went to the train museum today for 2 reasons, 1 I went to get my southern train set 2231W and 2 I also lent them a Williams brass set. Which I decided to give to them, so for a while anyway it will be on permanent display in the caboose part of the museum.

I’m getting ready to start getting some trains together to take to a train show in December. I think it’s time to let some of them to go and get down to 2 or 3 in O and probably about 4 in standard gauge sets.

Presently 80* going to 81* started day out around 57*, tomorrow is suppose to be just as warm. to make it sound even more crazy Monday low 56* Tuesday 36* Wednesday in the upper 20’s for rest of week.

Hope all have a good weekend.

Spent the morning at the Chapter caboose, then the afternoon finishing up the Halloween decor in the train room. Perhaps some pics tomorrow.

Hi there,

Not much going on, just got my Walthers Flyer in the mail (ordered some Atlas O track from them some time ago) and have read through it. I’ve also been thinking of turning my O gauge train table into an On30 micro layout!

Wayside - I enjoy watching Thunder Mesa Studios. What that guy does with On30 is amazing. Check out his Gruesome Gulch series, that is essentially a small layout.

Will check that out.