200,000 a mile to install a paved railtrail in Ohio

Source-Astabula County Metropark on the Astabula to Warren Ohio Former PRR airline.
500,000 a mile to install railroad tracks on same right of way-Source Delta Railroad constuction in Ashatbula Oh(Near Cleveland)

That is of the Yellow Bricked variety?


…???..Are they installing railroad tracks or a paved trail…?

And, either way, will they provide Amish moving services?


Only if he finds an agent.[;)]

Just another typical Ohio move to spend money they don’t have on anything except attracting industry and jobs.

No No No, you have Ohio confused with Peoria Illinois. We pull track to make trails. Got to stay healthy so we can look for jobs, which requires walking to since gas is going up more and more each day.

I started athread on a rail to trails deal, mudchicken presented some interesting facts on page 2.
