2020 tender question

Does anyone know if a 2020 ever came with a 2046 tender? Looks like the 671 did. Which tender would be right for a later 2020 with no rims on the drivers? appreciate any help on this I can get.

A 2020W in the 1946 version and either a 2020W or a 6020W in the 1947 - 1949 versions. Here’s a good online resource for you.



ezmike, the link you gratefully provided matches my resources. I just bought this engine/tender combination, and the seller states this is what it was. That’s why I’m a little confused. The loco./tender are in pretty poor condition, and will need a restoration. I think the later 671 came with a 2046W, using the Standard Catalog of Lionel Trains by David Doyle as a source.

Here’s the deal. If I can’t find a reliable source to validate the loco./tender combination, is it ethical to repaint the engine to 671 so it matches the tender? I don’t intend to sell the train, and if I did, would state the change.

After my recent 2016, 2037,2036, and 2025 projects, I’m considering making up postwar sets. As these engines were “junkers” with potential, I’m looking for the correct set components to match the engines, in the same condition. I’m just not sure if it is right to turn an O-27 engine into an O-gauge engine, just to match a set I want. Feel like I am considering destroying history… I’m probably taking this way to seriously, but would like a few other opinions.

Mine came with the 6020W, but I think the information mike gave is correct. As for you plans, I would leave the tender as it is. Clean and maintain, but leave the numbering, etc. It seems you are enjoying the Postwar items and chances are good that you will come across a 671 that could use a tender. In the mean time, keep your eyes open for a 6020 or 2020 tender. I have notices a lot of folks on eBay will split them up and sell the locomotive separate from the tender. You may be able to pick both pieces up in quick order. Also, I think a lot of us who may be a bit over the top regarding matched sets would not look twice at engine or tender without its mate. you may be able to get them cheaper this way.


I don’t know if this is much help, but I have a 2020 that came with a 2020W tender. I don’t know anything about other tenders, I just know that’s what I have from a set my dad gave me.

The 2020 was made from 1946-1949 and came with either the 2020W or the 6020W tender. If you’re not a Lionel purist, Williams makes S-2 tenders for sale separately. Good luck!

This is from an article CTT did in Sept 2001:

the 2020 came with the following tenders:

1946 & 1947 came with the 2020w tender

1948 & 1949 came with the 6020w tender