2023 and 624 Motor exchange

How simpls is it to exchange motors between a 2023 and a 624? Is there any difference at all between the mounting design? Have checked Olsens and the drawings are not identical, but i can not be sure. I am fairly sure the motors are identical, but not sure the mounting is and i dont want to take both apart,and THEN find a difference that I cannot handle. Is the length of the shaft identical? Is the worm gear identical? There is a part 622-23 mounting plate in the 624 switcher that is absent in the 2023, and i dont understand why it is needed.

any guidance?

2023-100 is the 2023 motor assembly.

I think the 624 is a 622-100X motor assembly. The plate is a pivot plate, bridges frame opening. Lionel typically did not assign different part numbers to identical parts, so probably not a direct swap. What’s wrong with your motor?

I think that Lionel last used the 622-100X motor in 1949, changing to the 622-100 in 1950. The 2023 repair manual says, “Note that with the exception of the Wire Clamp Lug, Motor 2023-100 is identical with Motor 622-100.” Since the 624 didn’t come along unti 1952, its motor should fit in a 2023.

Successfully swapped motors. No difference. 2023 runs fine; 624 still has occasional stalls at lower voltages. It would have been smarter to check pick-ups First. easier than motor swap. Will get on that.

When the 624 stalls, does the headlight go out, or is it just the motor that stops?

sorry missed yr question—everything is off–lights as well as motor and eunit “buzz”

have to do work on roller pickups. Tried to exchange the pick up trucks between 2023 dummy and 624, but couplers are different length, so no good.