2024 Coffee pot, Coffee, doughnuts, Bacon, Egg,& Cheese Biscuits

Starting this now as been having a time getting in here all day yesterday and so far this a.m.

Hope for a prosperous new year for all.

[<:o)] Happy New Year! [<:o)]

It’s taken me three days to proclaim this… Happy New Year folks!

It’s taken me FOUR DAYS to get in here and the link is STILL flaky!

WHAT is going on?

Now that that’s out of the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

I had given up. Happy New Year

After starting, this the first I have been able to get in and post. I could get in about 50% of my tries but when I would try to open something so I could read/post it went to 504

Happy New Year, all.

Fighting a kitchen faucet with a leaky gland seal today. Finally got the valve out and the cartridge out. Hopefully, somebody in town has one in stock.

Had to heavily modify a socket to get the valve loose. Was using my die grinder to do this when my air compressor seized up. Disappointing, but it is a compressor I bought used some 35 to 40 years ago. Was far from new when I got it. I’ve got to see if parts are still available before I make the repair/replace decision.

On the other hand, I have wanted a larger compressor for quite some time. This might be an excuse to get one.

On train related front, I have decided that I want to obtain a 2000 series Alco with some of my 2024 train budget. Any suggestions as to which one?

Good Morning and Happy New Year -

Been having real issues trying to get in here. Seems like I’m not the only one…

Rocky start to 2024 as we said good bye to my great aunt - 94 years young.

Still trying to get moved out of Mom’s house. A more concerted effort is coming, spent the week between Christmas and New Years trying to keep Jenni wee as she had the flu.

Hope everyone has a healthy and prosperous New Year.

PS - I’m gonna be a grandfather in March!!

Congratulations 'Devil! One thing’s for certain, with the toy trains you’re going to be the fun grandpa!

Aloha and Happy Newest Year! I had some challenges logging in too. Congratulations on your good news, Rich!
8n, that is some good use out of the compressor. How about one of the Lionel’s S-2 switchers?

Good to see most had a great holiday,

Rich, congrats on the grandlid, we have 7 now and one great-great grandson. Talk about a Christmas drain on the money hole. [:P]

I got a very nice Menards Well car from the son’s kids but boy is it big. I was worried about that and passed on it when I saw it in the store and when I got it I found out I was correct. It would not clear the tunnel opening, hit the 315 Truss bridge top, Lionel transfer station roof, or make it around the Marx 34" half turn without hitting the IR gate crossing reader. It is way bigger than the Lionel well car I have and would look weird on the same consist. Their covered car hauller is just as big so I had to pass on that as well. [:'(] So I returned it and picked up a nice smaller pair of Menards flat cars, one with a trailer on it and the other with the trailer’s tractor. They worked fine. Weather has been way to warm for this time of year but I will take it.

8N I would be lost with out my compressor. When we built this place I up sized from my old Sears 3HP 30 Gallon one from 1980 to a new IR 5HP two stage 175psi 60 Gal one. Way better, even if I have only used at about a tenth of what I used the old one. [:)]

Be good.

Congratulations anjdevel. That your first grandchild?

It is my understanding that the 2000 series Alcos and the S-2s use common drive train parts. So, yes, an S-2 might be on my shopping list as well.

By the way, what the heck is a B, E, & C biscut?

Bacon, egg, & cheese

Bacon, egg, and cheese. Makes sense. Then again, I’m not a member of an old guy’s every morning coffee clutch group at the local Mc Donald’s.

Being a Yankee, I will enthusiastically say that a B, E & C biscut is infinitely better than grits!

McDonalds B,E,&C Biscuits sucks. Hardy’s or Bojangles in my view make the best for resturants, but I make my own.

Mornin’ guys and gals. Sunny today, snohizo tomorrow. Will run around shopping today.

A nice sausage, egg and cheese, on Texas toast, with mayo and a slice of tomato, is my goto…

anjdevil - Skip the urge to run out and have a train set for the PICU. [Y]

Good Morning

Sunny now - rain and slush tomorrow afternoon and into Sunday, I hate shoveling snow.

Cleaned up the Christmas Tree lot at the firehouse last night, all the racks are put away until next November. Did some running around afterwards, a little NY Electric Trains sale watching then off to bed.

I’ll have to evaluate what I need to get done, working around the weather. The Magnum is still getting the engine cradle replaced, so that is unavailable. With the open bed on the Ram, I don’t want stuff exposed to the dampness.

Fife - Not gonna get a “special” set for him - he’s in line to inherit the “empire”, lol. All that you see is yours, young Ellis…

Nice to see I didn’t have to fight to get in here, for once…

Yikes! Reminds me of the Egg McMuffin, the first time I had one of those I gagged on it! [+o(] No disrespect intended to those who love 'em.

I REALLY liked Burger King’s Bacon Croissandwich though, very tasty!

Merry Christmas! Or, Happy Three Kings Day!

Went to the local diner this morning and had a Columbian for breakfast. That is a medley of 3 eggs, green peppers, jalipinos, onions, sausage, bacon, and ham. Better than B, E, & C.

The FIRST Robotics season kicked off today. The 2024 game looks pretty interesting.

The local high school has a sizeable program that competes in this series. I am a mentor on the team. We have about 7 weeks to design, build, and develop a robot for our first of three competition meets this year.