i was just wondering if anyone knew if the isides of a 2026 would fit in a 2025. or even maybe just some of the parts like the e unit…thanks
I can tell you what I do know and skip the guessing. the two motors are not interchangeable,different mounting. e-units all work the same way.you could use them in either if the levers are in the same position so they fit the slot in the body.smoke unit heater element,same…but compare the two and there are many parts that are different.
well thanks and thats kinda a bummer but oh well…my search continues…
Hi Zeke- If you need a specific part, Just give us a description & we’ll let you know who may have it- Some of us even keep a small stock of parts ourselves for different projects & such. Take Care.
so far i need a e unit for my 2025…i lost a bid on one from ebay for 5 bucks…my lhs is no help for train stuff…i am searching for other methods
Hello Zeke! Contact me via e-mail & I’ll send you a rebuilt E-unit for your 2025. Take Care.
email sent and thank you very much…my lhs isnt helping me very much…they keep pushing life like ho stuff at me …[sigh]