Is there a train whether it be a Limited, Streamliner or local that you would have always wanted to ride but never did? For me it would have been any of the City Streamliners or any of the Rock Islands Pocket yrains, I would hacw liked to be on the RPO car on the CB&qs train 29 the fast mail between Chicago and Omaha. Again just asking Larry
If I could go back in time I would ride The Great Northern “Empire Builder” and the Illinois Central “City of New Orleans”.
The Broadway Limited and the Super Chief.
D&RGW’S Leased Yellowstones from Minturn to Tennessee Pass.
Would like to have ridden the Silver Meteor from Columbia, S.C. to anywhere in Florida.
I would have loved to ride CNR’s Super Continental from Montreal to Vancouver
Thank you all for your replys Larry
I was fortunate enough to ride the Super Continental and also its twin the Panorama between Montreal and Vancouver on the former and on the latter between the two same points except for a lengthy layover in Winnipeg. Not sure the trains were thae same east and west of Winnipeg except for the name.
The train I wished I had had the opportunity to ride was the Vista Dome California Zephyr between Oakland and Chicago. Instead I opted for the RDc between Oakland and Salt Lake City and then rode the Zephyr to Chicago.
Uh oh—I think the answer I gave under first question fo the day would have been more appropriate here in the second question of the day.
Some years ago, I took the Southwest Limited to visit a friend who lived in Raton. I remember looking out the window at the Amtrak F40s, and wishing they were Santa Fe Steam…
And of course, the Alton Limited.
Here’s one more: Erie Limited
work safe
The 20th Century Limited. My brother used to fire on it then was one of it’s Engineers.
I’ve ridden Pennsy’s Broad Way behind a GG1. Sadly, I was on a troop train. But I also used the UP City of St. Louis to get from home to Fort Riley, Kansas. Not to mention the Ann Rutledge on the GM&O, which had a very good club car.
For me: The Indiana Railroad (the interurban, not the current Short Line) from Fprt Wayne to Louisville, on the high speeds. Also, Cincinnati to Detroit on the Cincinnati and Lake Erie interuruban, on the Red Devils.
The Olympian Hiawatha
The Pocohuntas or Powhattan Arrow - through (not just Petersburg to Norfolk, done that)
The Viriginia and Truckee
From Boston through to Halifax
A Galloping Goose on the Rio Grande Southern
The Yampa Valley Mail
The Southern Pacific,Rock Island Golden State.
The California Zephyr
The Canadian on its original CPR route.
Heading west out of Wells St. Terminal on the CA&E “Cannonball”.