Good point. And here I thought he was just checking the close clearance…


Do you think that “railfan” might just get a cab “ride” if she asked for one? Hmmmmmm

He’s definately focusing [;)][8D]

Letting anyone other than the engineer operate the train is obviously wrong…and whoever allowed that should be reprimanded. However, there used to be some descretion for kids who wanted to have a look around or a cab ride. However back when I was a kid in the 70s it was understood that you keep your mouth shut about it so that no one gets into trouble. Even back then the rules did not permit kids on locomotives, rolling stock or railroad property. But kids were smarter I guess. I took lots of pictures of my trips…with lots of photos of personnel and equipment. But even then I was smart enough to understand that I should not circulate them as they may get someone into trouble.

But, this is the point and we know this. You couldn’t brag on MySpace. You couldn’t post a movie on YouTube. You couldn’t blog about it. You couldn’t get on a forum like this and tell everyone about your lucky day. Different world.

Unfortunately, today many people feel “if I can, I should.” Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should, right? This kid titled one of the pictures “Stupid Metra” and then complains he won’t be able to get his dream job, at Metra! Sadly he learned that in the real world there are consequences to your actions.

I agree that this is something that has probably happened before, doesn’t mean its a good idea, but nowadays it is a lot easier to get things out there via the internet. If this guy was enjoying getting to run the trains, he shoulda thought twice about putting it out there. But its just as well it was found out because it is a dangerous thing, especially when you are dealing with people riding the trains.

And I am sure he would love to check that clearance even closer!

A: That’s just the engineer watching the conductor for a sign

B: Camouflaged efficiency test.

What the heck is my wife doing playing around the railroad tracks?? I thought I taught her better than that !!!

In my never ending quest to keep on topic, did the teen in the original post look anything like the lady in the photo? A properly stacked jury might bring judgment for the 3 Metra engineers, depending on if the teen was properly stacked as well.

The teen was a guy…lets not make this situtation more perverse.

Take it easy you guys, or you’ll start drooling on your keyboards.

Define “properly stacked”. Is that a legal term…??


Randy -

Your wife the porn starlet? Wow, who knew??!


I thought Randy was the frustrated porn star…

Photochop anyone?

Actually, I’ve wondered that every since it got posted, the picture doesn’t quite look natural to me.

Actually, I’ve wondered that every since the picture was posted, it doesn’t quite look natural to me. Proportions are off, somehow.