Am re-entering the hobby after a while. Have some post-war and MPC era Lionel, an MTH set, and am taken with the looks of Atlas track. Starting out with a 4x8 display layout with elevated sections; building with the help of the kids.
Some of my accessories require tubular track - the postwar stock car and platform, and the MPC-era drawbridge, and possibly the postwar milk car platform. Will Atlas track successfully work with 0 and/or 027 track at reasonable speeds on the mainline, using Atlas adapters? Will the combination work on curves, or does it only work with straight track? I bought 2 Atlas curves and 2 straights plus the adapters to try it myself, and will report my test results, but I wondered if anybody else had tried the combination.
Also, will the Lionel trestle sets work with the Atlas track?
The same questions apply to the MTH track, though I don’t see buying more of that - other than the adapter track - due to costs and the better look of the Atlas track, but I welcome any comments.
Inquiring minds want to know!