3463 update

With some trepidation, I relay the information from RyPN that [url=http://csrail.org/3463]CSR/SRI has updated their information on ATSF 3463 in Topeka.[/url] Plans to convert this into a true high-speed locomotive, their so-called ‘Project 130’, have been officially shelved, with their priority now given as doing the necessary fundraising to move the locomotive to a proper work facility, make the necessary connections in the Topeka area to start proper work, and investigating the practical return of the locomotive to operable condition. Not cosmetic, stuffed-and-mounted, condition – operable, as in 2926.*

I confess to being a bit disappointed we won’t find out what a 3460 class could do with proper valves and tracts, but preservation of the locomotive is a big ‘win’ and even starting up the restoration that the volunteers were conducting before the GOS contretemps would be a likely path towards the stated goal. Building a suitable enclosed ‘base’ for the locomotive is an intelligent step, too.

  • Save your snark: not the year, the 4-8-4 in New Mexico.

Thanks for that, Overmod!

Now for some damn reason I’ve got that song “In The Year 2525” running through my head.

Be careful before you bring up 2926 again.

You’re thing the 3463 crew may have it running by the year 9595???

Zager and Evans indeed.

(IIRC, you may have one or two years on me, while the guy with the Holman Horror AVI may be a couple of years younger.)

The good news is that a great deal of the actual restoration of 2926, both ‘knowledge’ and process, ought to be applicable to her ‘Big Three’ sister. (Who now needs a name, which can’t be ‘Alice’ … who has suggestions? I am tempted by ‘Ethel’ and someone really, really needs to come up with a better alternative fast.)

wanswheel, isn’t there a filk about PRR 1361 that’s a parody of that song?

fire lock, that was a great song!!!

I WAS a great song!

Must have been, once it got started in my head it took an hour to turn it off.

So true.