364 log loader voltage

Anyone own the 364 log loader in the old 1948 version? Motor is serviced (brushes, commutator spotless and shiny) I am using a kw transformer. U is connected to A on the loader and C is connected to the 14v tap on the kw, like my Greenberg book says. Motor spins slow, lights are dim. Works great on the 20v tap. Will this hurt the motor, is it too much voltage?




Operating voltage should be 12-14 volts. Was the gearbox cleaned and lubed? Due to the angle of the motor and gearbox in the 364, the grease tends to run down and foul the brushes and commutator.

My first move after cleaning and relubing the gearbox would be to replace the brushes and springs regardless of how they look. Brushes that have been soaked with oil and grease can have a high internal resistance, and no amount of cleaning will help. Fatigued brush springs will also contribute to a slow running motor.

I did not lube the gearbox-I will give that a try. I have new brushes, will try that too. Springs have plenty of tension.

Will keep you posted.



Are you sure you have it wired properly to the transformer? For the KW, the service manual has this:

With U as common: D=20v, C=6v, A=6-20v, B=6-20v

With C as common: D=14v, U=6v, A=0-14v, B=0-14v

You say that one side of the loader is wired to U (on the KW). With U as common, there is no 14v option on the KW, only U+D=20v or U+C=6v. I’ll bet you are only giving 6 volts with the way you have it wired. If you want a 14v tap, you must use C+D.

I believe that you can still use U+B and U+A for trains, then, so long as your loader does not come in contact with the track (since the track and the loader will have separate Commons, they need to stay physically and electrically separate).

Got it running. Forgot about the 14v combination on the kw. Thanks for the advice, really enjoying the loader.