Stellar performance as usual!!
Thanks for posting!
That is truly an amazing train!!!
SP&S!!! Woo Hoo! Just wondering, did they have Challengers?
Jon : that is really nice !! Reminds me of the time I was working in Erie Pa. & they loaded up A nearby Nat. Guard unit on a train in our yard for summer camp in Georgia that year & my partner & I had to measure it all for high & wide !! You did do that too, didn’t you ? !! [(-D]
Thanks, John
Awesome videos Jon!
I liked the ‘Pennsy train lovers’ M1a? the best! That had really great sound.
Sorry for the video quality!!! It looks great on my computer when I download it, once it gets to Google it gets pretty blurry[]
NICE video…Sounds great, looks great.
Looks fine to me Jon, much better than the ones I do. I’ve started an armor train but have too many projects on the go. Who’s flats are you using? Chains look great. Prototypicly crossed. Is the loco a new arrival?
John, I’m pretty well sold on Lionels PS-4 diecast flatcars with real wood decks!!