4-6-4 VS 4-8-4 is there that much differance?

1948, the Y6 b all so has a 2 wheel trailing truck. From what I have read here, the PK steam engines do not pull great. Far as deatil, one of the reasons I never bought a PK Y3. My LHS has one so I have seen one in person. It’s detail seems to be lacking compared to the Y 6. It may very well be accurate, but looks a little bland when compared.

Stryker sorry I did not get the pictures taken today. I felt like Caboose today.


The BLI Y6B wont disappoint for sure. It will work on 18 inch radius and pulls like a mule. It’s a heavy one since the boiler is made of cast and not plastic like the other BLI’s. I think the reason it tracks on tight track so well is the size of the drivers. They seem short in comparison with the other loco’s mentioned. This gives it good torque but also allows the wheels to be closer and shortening the wheel base of the 2 articulated driver sections.

Here’s 2 pics of mine on a 22 inch curve which isn’t far off of an 18.

Hey Ken, no worries. Beggars (me) can’t be choosers.

Looks fine on a 22 to me!


Got mine ordered!

Got it!

It handles all my turns with no problems at all.

I have 1 switch (atlas #4) that the front two wheels don’t like much.

That has to be a track problem…I not the greatest at laying track… not to mention I do not have anything holding the frogs yet…

Oops forgot to warn you.

If you have the Broadway limited one there is a black piece of foam in the front between the boiler and truck that has to be removed. There is a technical bulletin on it. If you don’ remove it the front section will not move freely and derail. I found out the hard way.

Here’s a link to the tech bulletin with pics of the foam.


Dang Stryker, you got it in 2 days?

How about some pictures?

Cuda Ken

Working on getting some pictures this weekend. Have house guests so not getting much “cave time”.

How about a layout using small 15-18R curves (with easements)? Ha! confused you all.

Um, Duh! 2 drivers! Should be obvious to anyone!

Sorry! Couldn’t resist! [}:)]

Well I have pics…but now I need to host them. So that may take some time.[:(]

Try Photo Bucket, looking forward to seeing the pictures.


Less time than you think! Forgot I had a website already

http://coldshoulderrailroad.weebly.com/pictures.html Not much to look at but it has some pictures.

Thanks Steve, I like your train room as well.
