Which size North West Short Line replacement wheel sets best fit the standard Athearn blue box GP XX engine of the 1980’s and '90’s? 40 or 42?
Thanks! [^]
Which size North West Short Line replacement wheel sets best fit the standard Athearn blue box GP XX engine of the 1980’s and '90’s? 40 or 42?
Thanks! [^]
40" everything up to the GP/SD60.
SD70MAC have 42"
Up to the GP/SD60 ?? I’m not sure what that meant, tigerstripe. I use almost all SW’s, GP 9’s and some 38x and one GP 60. 40’s for all?
Yes 40", the GP60 and everything that was built earlier had 40" wheels.
Thanks, tigerstripe. That means I’ve been using the wrong size! [:(]
Back to the drawing board…I mean work bench.