The old forum had 504 errors - now the new forum is giving 429 - too many request errors
The new forum will also come along and say a post that is in process of being typed is also being typed in another window (when only one window is active).
The old forum had 504 errors - now the new forum is giving 429 - too many request errors
The new forum will also come along and say a post that is in process of being typed is also being typed in another window (when only one window is active).
I’ve been getting similar experience. Today I also got bombarded with many other posts. Spam?
Well, I’ll be dagnabbed!
I tried the old forum and was able to sign in. This entry is from the old forum.
Actually, I think it just linked me to the new forum. It’s all the same.
Sorry about that.
I’ve been getting both the 429 errors and the editing on another window errors. The best way to respond to that is to click the ignore button.
I’ve gotten the same, just had to hit ignore. Definitely a few kinks to be worked out.
Hi Everyone,
This errors begun when the spam bots were hitting the forum.
As we are working to remove the spam posts and increase the spam threshold, these errors will stop appearing.
More to come
Nick, thank you for not only working to fix the situation, but for communicating with us what’s going on.
The old company had many issues, and probably the worst was that no one would let us know what was going on.
Keep up the great work – you are building customer loyalty!
Absolutely, the transparency is extremely welcome and very encouraging!
Look at the bright side…the forum hasn’t been this busy in years!
Nick, thanks for the update, the forum is much more responsive than yesterday or this morning.
thanks Nick I have been getting all the same stuff.
Thanks for the reports, folks!
I ran an upgrade yesterday (to install a plugin to deal with the spam) and it appears that it somehow caused these 429 errors.
I just ran another upgrade that should fix the 429 errors (and appears to have done so in some quick tests). I think (or maybe, hope) that the 429 errors were also causing the spurious “this is being edited elsewhere” errors as well.
Please report back here if you see any more issues with either the 429 or “edited elsewhere” issues, and if you have any hints or guesses about what makes it more likely to happen, that would be much appreciated.
Spent 10 years with a Class 1 carrier in IT - with most of the time designing systems and detecting the anomalies that grew out of the systems and fixing them. I always have an eye out for when something isn’t acting as it should.
Thank you pfaffman I do like this forum , but that was getting rough.