45-degree turn on O48 Fastrack Impossible?

Seemingly so with the 12-per-curve layout of the O48 Fastrack. Anyone had any success cutting fastrack in half? Let me rephrase: Anyone had any luck cutting fastrack in half and it still moves trains?


Anything is possible, but not necessarily easy. This is a drawback to the Fastrack system that I mentioned early on, planning flexibility with that rigid roadbed. I’m not sure Lionel has any plan to create a 1/2 curve section for that diameter circle, so you are on your own.

Grab your hacksaw and good luck.

That’s what I’m thinking. Fortunately I only need to do this once. I figure it will just take some finess. I’ll probably use an extra O36 curve and practice cutting and reconnecting a few times…it’ll look like Frankenstein when I’m done w/ it.



Just from looking at a section of Fastrack, I see that you will need to some fancy cutting, since the rails are staggered. It seems like Lionel designed this stuff so users would have a difficult time making modifications.

You might find that the easiest way to shorten a 30-degree curve is to cut 15 degrees out of the middle. That way, you don’t have to recreate the details of the ends of the section. You could also cut 7.5 degrees off opposite ends of two sections and splice them together into a 45-degree section.

Good thinking Bob!!! A little glue and a little solder should do the job.