heyy guys i am going too the LHS tomorow and im spending 45$ on trees. except i dont know what too get. should i make my own or buy already made ones? just let me know! thanx! Keith
If you are the least bit fussy, you’ll quickly find that the great majority of pre-built trees available in hobby shops are not really very convincing as real trees unless viewed at quite a distance and especialy if they are not situated in a densely forested area of the layout.
For about double your proposed expenditure you could get an entire box of Super Tree armatures from Scenic Express and have the basis for around 350 pretty darn realistic looking trees (look at those on Joe F.'s layout so often pictured on this forum).
On the other hand, if you are looking to buy mainly some stand alone “specimen” trees for high visibility areas on the layout, you’d be better off looking around on-line at some of the custom tree suppliers.
I make my trees out of Smoke bush blossoms. I finally found the proper species of Smoke Bush and the blossoms are about 6 to 8” high and about 3 to 4” in diameter and very dense.
Spray them with green spray paint and let them dry for a day then spray them with Scotch Super 77 and then put on the ground foam. Again let the glue set up for a day and then plant them.
My little bush got me about 50 last season for ZIP! Next season it should do better as it keeps on growing each year. I have seen some of these Smoke Bushes 10 to 15 feet tall!
BOB H – Clarion, PA
For decidious trees, I’ll second CNJ831 with the Scenic Express armatures. I use the Super Trees and they are very easy to make, with some patience. The starter kit is around $25. You’ll want to buy some ground foam to make leaves/needles out of so budget $20 bucks for that. The starterkit has enough armatures to make 30 trees. You can stretch that amount if your in N, and/or want smaller trees.
If pines are what you are after check this out:
I know this is for N scale, but if you wanted large trees, sometimes you can find bulk dowels, or smaller cheap wooden handled paint brushes that might work.
I do not use the woodland scenic’s netting like he does. I use painted furnace filter material that I stretch out, shape and skewer on the trunk. After I have the tree shaped then I spray with diluted matte medium, and add ground foam, then secure with a fine fist of cheap hairspray.
All of the techniques listed here are really easy with just a minimum of practice. Most of the availalbe premade trees look awkward, and can be quite expensive. The homemade pines are the easiest. total cost for 100 is about $35 bucks, and that includes adhesive, foam, shiskibobs (minus steak and peppers) and the fancy wood bark paint.
As far as the Scenic express trees go, they offer their bulk pack of Super Trees (300 to 400 trees) for just a shade over $100. A little intimidating, until you see what buying 300 premade trees in a hobby shop will cost. Hope that helps
I am using Woodland Scenics Fall colered trees!! Not sure who to buy pine trees from? Etheir way it will enhance your layout[:D][:D][:D][:D] Loco man
Scenic Express makes good trees if you’re willing to assemble them. And they are cheap.
Woodland Scenics Ready-Made Bulk Packs (what I use most) are good for quickly filling in areas. Painting the trunks vastly improves their apperance. They are also strudy enough to catch wayward locomotives before they hit the floor.
Anything from Scenic Express is a good investment. Their bulk pack is great for lots of background trees or groves of trees.
For foreground trees, look into their Supersage kits. Nothing looks better, IMO. [swg]
You might want to pick up a scenery book first and find out how to make your own. You can make a lot of trees for $45 and they look better too. You should also learn the difference between foreground, mid-ground and background trees.
Check this out. It bees da bombizzle. [(-D]