Hi all,
I have long-term plans to build something more grand, but while I plan for that I’d like to have something to push some cars around on and relearn how to lay track, install wiring, put down ballast, etc.
I kind of liked Mr. Mindheim’s modern Florida industrial shelf layout in the November MR so, I did some Google Earth searching through the streets of LA and took lots of screen grabs of industrial trackage then did some playing in XTrkCad:
While I have a pretty large space (11x2 + 2x4) to play with for my eventual ‘real’ layout, I can spare about 4’ of wall space for this one, with removeable cassettes for staging. I am interested in doing some modern city scenery, graffiting up some cars, and am trying to learn about modern freight prototypes. I don’t require this to be 100% prototypical though.
With staging on both ends of the single-track through line I was thinking that I could simulate a small urban yard used to gather and sort cars that would then be sent along to a larger yard - down along the double-track (like to have staging for that as well). I also imagined there would be some local traffic along the single line.
Industries 1 and 2 would receive and send unnamed loads in boxcars. I think #3 might take in chemicals and ship out plastic pellets in hoppers - one car at a time. Not sure about #4 and #5. I think it might be the same industry, maybe offloading trailers and operating a local warehouse/shipping company. VB signifies “View Block”.
I figured since this is a junction between a local industrial corridor and the larger line there could be a small classification yard and maybe a little switcher lives here.
My wife likes trucks/trailers…which is one of the reasons for industry #4 being front and center. I guess that makes it the least negotiable part of the plan because she needs a place to park her blue Volvo cab (when she c