5% local match for FAA essential air service vs 15% to 50% local match for FTA Grantss



Legislators convened

Monday to accept more federal

and state funds for

Chautauqua County’s airports

in Dunkirk and


A special meeting was

called for by Chairman Jay

Gould in response to a

request by County

Executive Vince Horrigan

to accept funding for airport

projects before a

Wednesday deadline, which

was imposed by the Federal

Aviation Administration.

With a 16-1 vote, the legislature

approved to accept the

funds. The county was notified

after the August legislature

meeting that they

would be given the funds.

At the Dunkirk Airport,

the FAA will provide

$101,160 to rehabilitate

Taxiway B South. The total

cost of the project is

$112,400. The state and

county will each pay 5 percent

of project costs, or


At the Jamestown

Airport, the FAA will allocate

$107,730 to repair

Taxiway F and the general

aviation apron. The funds

will also be used to purchase

new aircraft rescue

and fighting suits. Project

costs total $113,400. The

state and county will each

pay $2,835 for the projects.

Speaking in favor of the

resolutions, l

Can you spell PORK?