# 50 Lionel Track Gang Car Help


I was looking at a rusty old # 50 Gang car from Lionel on my shelf and I think its from the 1950’s, acording to what I found while google-ing it. I wanted to try to put it together, since the parts are mostly loose. Is there a diagram that I could get off the web or assembly instructions anywhere?


Try the link below. While you are there, take some time to familiarize yourself with the huge and very helpful website. They also sell parts.

Go to http://pictures.olsenstoy.com/ Click link to “Library” at blue tab, lower center-right. Drill down to "Lionel Postwar Op. Cars, click on #50 Section Gang Car. You may have to “Open page in new window” to expand text and drawings to legible size

Copy and paste when and if necessary.

Thanks! I’ll try to get it running!