50+ Year old American Flyer trains (pictures)

Heyy guys just thought I would share a few pictures of some old American flyer trains. Thought some guys might be intrested in checking out some classic trains.

enjoy guys!


Warms my heart to see the old AF waiting to be brought back to life. You’ve got some good projects there. Good luck.


Thanks Jim! Im really already excited about learning about these old classics and hopefully returning them to there former glory.



I agree with Jim, you have quite a nice variety of motive power there. If all of these came from the same source the child that owned them had quite a railroad empire to play with. The Silver Bullet (#354 or #356) is one of my personal favorites. She looks pretty impressive rolling down the tracks with a string of matching passenger coaches.

Good Luck with the restoration.


Here is a pic of my refurbed 356 and 290

Smokin 290!!!

Great Pics Jim,

Is your 356 still in its original chrome finish or did you have it re-chromed? I have heard that it is possible to have them re-done. Mine looks great for most of the finish, but on one side the chrome has dulled to almost black. I have a satin finish 356 which I read somewhere was a replacement for a damaged or worn chrome shell. I will have to dig mine out of the boxes and take a better look at it.


The 356 is a repaint with Rusolium Chrome paint I think, I’ll have to look and verify. Port Lines hobbies has replating service goes for $55 a unit. I also bought the decals from Doug.


Real nice trains you have there Jim. did you have to re-do the drives on thoughs?? Mine doesnt even look like its chromed most of its rusted or faded off.

thanxs Greg. I am not sure about who originally owned them but it would have been neet to see them right of the assembly line.

If I remember these were pretty clean from the start. On other units I have taken a dremel with a brass brush attachment and buffed off the rust, then follow it up with a little paste wax. The plating on the old units was thicker than the later (60’s) in my opinion and clean up better, or stay looking better longer


Jim, I was thinking about using a dremel but was not sure what material would work best, I figured sandpaper would strip whatever platings left intact so not 2 sure about that, the brass seems like a good idea though. Thanxs