I am going to improve the look of a couple Athearn 57’ mech refeers by adding wire mesh and an AC unit, I was also going to weather them. So my question is that since there are powered by a diesel engine then where is the exhaust for the engine and dose it have a big soot stain around it?
As mentioned above, there is a small stack above the engine compartment. If you have access to old Model Railroader magazines, there was an article by Bob Smaus that showed how he did some of the white reefers. Sorry, but I don’t have the issye reference in front of me right now. I tried to duplicate the stack using a piece of 1/16 inch OD brass tube, which was the size mentioned either in that article, or in one of the other articles that are out there on these models. I’m sure that someone will point out that the diameter is too large, and probably not in exactly the correct location. But I was going for the effect, so nitpickers don’t have to come into my basement. You can hopefully see the stacks in the corners of the ends in the following pictures.
There is a very good article about weathering the 57’ PFE Reefers in “The Best of Mainline Modeler’s Freight Cars” Volume Three by Robert J. Zenk. He doesn’t address adding the exhaust stack, but they are visible on the models in the photos. The weathering he applied to a fleet of PFE cars is very good.
Thanks, those look very good. After going through about 15 pages on RR pic arch. if finialy found some roof shoots , here are the links incease you want to see them