6 cylinder GEVO

EMD has the V8 version of the 710 in the new demonstrators (GP22) they are offering. IINM back in the early days of the 710 engine EMD had a GP2000 in their catalog which would essentially have been a GP15(or maybe a BL20 if built on a recycled frame) with an 8-710 in it. I know they never built even a demonstrator…

With the V8 in place of a V16, there is a lot more room inside to add Hotstarts, other emission add-ons, Head End Power units, etc. Ballast can be added where and as needed. Could also make a shorter engine, for tighter spaces, on maybe a MP15 frame (road trucks).

One of GE’s sites says that the new freight units they’re building in Kazakhstan (for Kazakstani use) meet U.S. EPA Tier II requirements. Does that mean some of the longer and more aggressive short lines would be able to buy this kind of engine assuming GE can make vehicle(s) for a good price?

I’m more interested in hearing whether it meets EPA pollution requirements than whether short lines can actually afford it – which remains to be seen. - a. s.

Bear in mind that EMD engines are two cycle, while GE engines are four cycle. A 45 degree two cycle V-8 is no problem as that would give 45 degrees between ignition events with a normal crankshaft. A 45 degree four cycle V-8 would require a split crank (as GM did for the 90 degree V-6) to maintain 90 degree timing between ignition events.

Please help me out here: I’ve always heard that two-stroke engines (gas-powered chainsaws, small rotary lawnmowers, the hideous little E. German Trabant auto) are inherently more polluting than the four-stroke engines, which is why today in ve

Two stroke gasolene engines (more technical term is “mixture engine”) tend to be more polluing than a four stroke engine due to the fuel/air mixture being blown from intake port to exhaust port and thus dumping a lot of unburned fuel into the exhaust. A two cycle diesel engine just blows air through the cylinder during scavenging, so the emissions from a two cycle diesel isn’t much different from a four cycle diesel.

[quote user=“erikem”]

carnej1 wrote:

erikem wrote:

Dutchrailnut wrote:

There is both a 6 and 8 cylinder inline Gevo, here is folder for marine version.


Thanks for the link - 'course I could have gone to the GE website and tried looking up the info myself.

An inline 8 cylinder engine makes more sense than a V-8 for lcomotive use, a 90 degree Vee would be too wide for locomotive use (unless using a large truck engine). Alco did have a V-8 in the C-415, but the 45 degree Vee configuration necessitated the use of balance shafts. The disadvantage of the inline 8 is that it wieghs only 2,000 pounds less than the 12V250 (42,000lb

I don’t know about the 8 cylinder FDL engine, but I do recall reading that the 8 cylinder engine on the C-415 required balance shafts to keep vibration down to a manageable level (as it was a 45 degree Vee block). The 6 cylinder 251 was an inline configuration, which is reasonably well balanced and has even firing intervals.

I do know that the SCL U18B fleet led relatively long lives as far as U Boats go, a number made it well into the CSX era. I also seem to remember the Guilford Transportation had some of the Maine Central units on it’s roster well into the nineties. So it seems the FDL-8 (which was def. a “V” engine) was a reasonably successful design…