765 Ad....................



VERY nice, Buckeye. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks Buckeye, for a moment it reminded me of the Polar Express. Was that Don B. as engineer?

Great. Now the engineer favors Shake and Bake. No kidding.

Sort of like something from the1980s series Amazing Stories. A town full of strange aliens who could open soda bottles with their minds, not a bottle opener. They need the energy of Coca-Cola to continue their human-like existence on Earth.

Well done, the Berk was a surprise!

Very nice. Thanks for sharing that one.

The haunting sound of an old steam whistle. A great looking and sounding old train.

I salute Coke for that commercial. I flip the channel for almost every commercial, that one I would watch.

Good evening all,


Mike C. from Indiana

Boy, that was well done. Like a mini-movie. I think I have that ad on a billboard somewhere!

Sure don"t see this quality of a commercial very often, Similarity ?? must be the overalls and glasses.


Let me tell you, you can say “diesel-diesel-diesel” all you like, but STEAM RULES! It’ll always rule in the hearts, minds, and imaginations of people everywhere.

Let’s see Pepsi top this one!

PS: I was expecting a homecoming GI to get off the train! Sure fooled me! Just as well he didn’t, I’d have broken down and cried!

This has the distinction of being one that I would happily watch again, when I can usually stand them only once or even change the channel immediately. I think less than ten are in that category. I also appreciated the nod to the society at the end. Beautifully done. Long live the 765!

Nice ad. Instead of wanting a Coke, I find myself wanting a Williams NKP 765…

Nice. I wonder if it could be edited for a 30 second Super bowl commercial. Bet it would be a hit.

I was wondering the same thing. A three-minute commercial is a bit much for normal broadcast TV, I’m wondering where and when Coke would play it.

That was wonderful! Reminded me of I think it was around the Lionel centennial, Coke did some repro cans that had Santa running what appeared to be standard gauage or pre war o gauge trains

It’s not a Coke commercial and wasn’t produced by Coke.

Me too!![*]

??? What do you mean??? Who made it for them Pepsi??

If it’s not a commercial than what is it? The only thing I can think of is possibly a short film made for showing at a food and beverage industry trade show, say as part of a Coca-Cola company display or pavilion. I mean, Coca-Cola certainly gets a heck of a lot of exposure in the film!