805 Number Plate - any ideas on which road?

My father left us this steam engine number plate (#805), and I don’t recall where he got it or what engine/road it came from.

You can view it here.

Since he’s gone into the afterlife nine years ago, we can’t ask him. However, if anyone has any ideas, I’d love to know.

I thought it might be from the SSW 805 built in 1931 by Baldwin (font on engine is VERY similar) and moved to the SP (San Fran/LA) and renumbered in the 50s, but my dad wouldn’t have been around there then. A well-known SSW author-historian has confirmed those locations.

This image made think it was from the Cotton Belt engine but this image proves it is not.

Typically, Dad collected RR stuff in Colorado and Utah - and normally favored narrow gauge stuff, but not exclusively. Maybe Colorado & Southern?