A 2-8-6 + 6-8-2 Garrett???

I was just doing a Google search of different things, and I came across this beast…

A 2-8-6+6-8-2 Garrett Locomotive

users.powernet.co.uk/ hamilton/model.html

The website only says…
“Someone sent me this scan, It’s obviously Japanese and a ‘might have been’ 2-8-6+6-8-2(!). I know nothing else - can anyone fill in any details?”

Does anyone here know anything? Because now I am curious myself.

I wouldn’t mind having one of them either.[;)]

A couple of dead giveaways that this is an ‘imagineered’ model:

The valve motion hangars are of obvious Japanese design. (Looks as if it was built on a pair of D51 mechanisms.)
The six-wheel trucks have very close axle spacing. (The object of the game is to spread the load on the track structure, not bunch it up.)
The front tank and rear bunker are humongous, and the boiler is, by comparison, very short. (Probably to keep the drives out of the boiler.) Every B-G photo I have ever seen shows the smokebox over the rear driver of the front engine and the cab over the same driver of the rear engine.

I, personally, love Beyer-Garratt locomotives, but for this one I’d make an exception.

Try this link for a more reasonable looking example of the breed:

I know quite a bit about Bayer-Garretts. And I know that this one is definitely fake. But I love imagineered stuff anyways, so it caught my eye and attention.

I’m questioning the model, not about a prototype. Sorry if I made it sound the other way.