I just purchased the Lionel Union Pacific Starter set yesterday. My wife and I just wanted to have a nice set to run around our Christmas village. And I specifically wanted a black steam engine, something reminiscent of the train set my dad used to have when I was a kid.
Anyways, I was rather surprised by how LOUD the TrainSounds system is. My wife was on the phone when I was testing that system… and I ended up chasing her out of the room with all that noise! I didn’t see anything in the manual that talked about a volume control. I’m assuming it doesn’t have one? And I’m assuming that in order to “fix” the problem, I’d have to take apart the tender?
No there should be a ‘screw’ knob on the bottom of the tender to adjust the sound level… all of my Trainsounds Tenders have the control know either under the tender, or under the water fill flap on top of the tender…