A Decent HO scale Track Cleaner Car

A while ago I wanted to purchase a Centerline Track Cleaning Car but they stopped manufacturing them- as far as I know. Is there another cleaning car just as good as Centerlinefor HO scale?

Centerline appears to be still around. Their web site is up and current. As far as other track cleaners, I would go for the ‘Gold’ in track cleaners, the CMX track cleaner from Tony’s Trains. I was never a fan of track cleaning cars, or liquids on the rails. The Goo-Gone always seemed to leave a residue, and the Whal Clipper Oil seemed to attract ‘gunk’ after a few days of good running. Our club had several Centerlines, and we kept them busy with alcohol soaked wipers ‘flapping’ around the layout(no one even wanted to go to the work if tieing them up with thread. This made them rather one directional.

Then a friend spent $100 on the CMX. He cleaned his entire layout(the whole basement) in two evenings. He gave it to me to try, and I loaded it up with lacquer thinner per his suggestion. It cleaned up my tracks(only 1/2 of the basement) in one evening, and it left no residue! The thing is made out of solid metal and has a precision metering valve to soak the cleaning pads. No problem running over switches or backing up. The pads are a rib texture material(I got 1/2 yard at the local fabric store for $.97). They can be changed out in about a minute. Needless to say, I bought one and run it evey fall when I do layout maintenence. I run after I have a construction project, as well. We ran it at the club(with alcohol) and it did a great job. Some of the folks were a little uneasy with the lacquer thinner. But with the precison metering valve there really is no smell, and I have no melted any ties so far that I am aware of on my layout.

Jim Bernier

Another vote for the CMX. I have one and use 91% alcohol in it and it cleans great.


[#ditto][#ditto][#ditto] without a doubt!