A Fellow Model Railroader's Passing

I was saddened to learn of the passing of “SFCouple”, otherwise known as Wayne Stevenson. I met Wayne on this Forum in 2007 and we emailed extensively thru the years. Wayne built in HO and On3 and he loved to build extremely detailed structures, although he never managed to “finish” a layout.

Wayne was exceptionally humble, and I could never get him to show photos of his work here on the Forum. He especially loved the old time narrow gauge railroad buildings, and anything to do with logging. His scratchbuilding efforts were absolutely outstanding!

One story of note was his building of an On3 sawmill, which he did board by board. I saw pics (long gone) and it was amazing. But a few days after he finished it, his friendly dog Jackson (basset hound), managed to get to it and treat it like a “chew toy”. It was a total loss, but Wayne remained “cool, calm, and collected” about it - something many of us just could not do.

Wayne had to box everything up when he moved from Red Lodge (Mt) back to Sacramento (Ca), and he never really was able to resume modeling.

Wayne was a real friend, and if you all had gotten to know him, you would have felt likewise.

Thank you for letting me share!

Mobilman44 - Bill Anderson

A nice tribute. I remember his posts and I think he DID post a photo of that scratchbuilt sawmill.

Dave Nelson

I did not know Wayne, but I hate to hear of any model rail passing…especially due to my age of almost 86. I had a similar experience with a pet ruining a model. I once loved model ships and I had spent almost a year constructing a Model Shipways wood kit I think was the Chas. Morgan whaling ship. I left it on the workbench after the final detail was installed…hit the sack, and in the morning found it on the floor with one of my cats playing with what was left of it. No, I did not cook the cat and assumed all blame knowing that cats will be cats as in Wayne’s case…same with dogs.

I remember his screen name, so he made some impression here. I think some effort should be made to add him to the RIP track. A good modeler deserves recognition.

Thank you for the suggestion to add Wayne to the RIP status. I have no clue how to do this or who to ask. Could anyone help on this?

My sincere condolences to his family and friends.


The sadness in the passing of a fellow model railroader is shared by all in the community. None of us knows when Mr. Brink will come to call.

A real friend is one of the best things to be. Bill, don’t know if you met Wayne in person, but the loss of any friend is felt no less deeply. RIP Wayne Stevenson

Sincerely, Peter

Wayne and I never met, although we came pretty close a couple of times over the years. We did share pics and videos and wrote quite often.

What was remarkable, was that we could freely share anything with each other, never having the fear of repercussions or the impact of baggage we may have carried. I believe many of you - especially diner members - can relate.

Thank you all for your comments!

I found the photo of his sawmill model, it is towards the bottom page 2 of this old thread

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Dave Nelson