A Layout Visitor (NOT for the squeamish!)

I had a guest drop in unannounced for a visit to my layout the other night. As a matter of fact, she was already in my trainroom before I got there. Good thing my wife wasn’t there at the time, she’d have been mighty upset [to say the least] - this one had quite a set of legs!

Like a woman in a clothing store, she seemed to be attracted to bright colors. So she climbed on the first of my ingot buggies:

“Hmmm… Let’s see what the next one over looks like…”

“Too much bright light, let’s go to that one over in the shade…”

“Maybe these bare ingots aren’t for me, let’s try an un-stripped one…”

“Funny, this last one didn’t appear any different from the previous one, but I figured I better check it out anyway.”

She seemed to be able to get around quite freely without my help, so I left her to her own devices as I got back to work staging/shooting photos for the Philly show presentation in July.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

You have the makings of a monster movie.

a few roaches and fleas would complete the scene![:D]

Then again some of us model the prototype…

I’ll pass, thanks! [8D]

One of my multi-legged visitors ended up in my loco gears. Took a while to clean it out. [xx(] Didn’t act as a good lubricant at all.

Well I have come into my train room to find roaches that came in from outside both of them were inside the tunnel when the train came out, it was wearing ones guts as a hood ornament and the other was ridin on top of the locomotive chokin on the smoke.

A while back my loco ran over a smaller one than in your pic, and it killed the train! I had to stop and clean the wheels & track.

I hear Garden Railroaders have problems with running over ants. When they get squished, they ooze formic acid. It sure isn’t good for the wheels and rail.
I had spider mites living in a tunnel of my first layout. Every time a train ran through, it get covered by their webs. But they have their web up back up the next day. They must have one heck of an I.T. team.

I can see the Marquee at the local movie theater…“Night of the Giant Critters”…
think it has the makings for an oscar award?.. chuck [:D]

Thats true! I dont really have a big problem with insects on my garden railroad, but when I get some plants in who knows! [:p]

A giant lizard came out of one of the culverts once. Fortunately, I had my camera with me.

Another time, a shark was seen swimming in the ROW ditch near a school. It was safely hauled away in a flat car.

Also, giant canines have occasionally been spotted around the outside O scale Santa Fe layout. If you look really close, you can spot her.

How’d you know it was a she spider? Maybe this should be cross referenced to the ladies model railroader thread?

I had a visitor on my old layout once. As a hotshot autoract train exited a tunnel, it appeard that it was in hot pursuit of little field mouse. The lil critter did an exit, stage right manuver off the tracks and ran to the center of my return loop. As the autoracks started to wind around him like a snake, he made a mad dart for freedom. Across the tracks and hurtling into space, off the layout!!
Normally, he would have hit the floor and escaped, but this was not to be. It seems my Maine Coon Cinders had just entered the room, and drew a bead on him as soon as he lept from the benchwork. Poor little fella never touched the ground!![}:)]

This is my track inspector.

In my basement one evening, when I was building my first layout in March of 2005, I was shaping the foam to which I was going to attach a plaster tunnel portal. Out from the tunnel, as if it owned it, came a soilitary earwig. I have no idea how it got there, and certainly at that time of year when everything is meant to be dormant.

The darned things destroyed my first planting of edible pod peas this sping! [:(!]

Bet he’s chewing on your wood ties for the collective.

Just yesterday I caught a rabbit in my garden railroad tunnel. I certainly hope the rabbit doesn’t try to make it its permanent home.[:)]

If that was my garden pike, my 7yr-old daughter would pressure me to relocate the R-O-W! [(-D]