Trains Coming Back to Bismarck
I wonder how common something like this business is…
Trains Coming Back to Bismarck
I wonder how common something like this business is…
Very interesting…reminds me of the old freight fowarders and railroad lcl but for full loads instead. Railroads usually mark their spots and build and operate the facility such as this. Often they will chose a location, though, that is conveneint to them, where they own the property perhaps, so their cost is minimum. Here is a guy building and operating a facility because those who would use it are where he is (if he’s done his market research right) and not where the railroad wants them to be. I’ve seen railroads close piggy back ramps in cities forcing customers to drive miles to reach the nearest one with the result the railroad lost the business entirely! This could be good. I am anxious to hear and monitor how this works for BMS.
I live eighteen miles away from Bismarck (by car). It is the nearest active rail line to my house. I hope this business does well.
Reload facilities such as this one are not that uncommon, usually they are operated by a regional or shortline railroad. Iowa Interstate has such a facility in Blue Island and I believe that the Indiana Rail Road has one in Indianapolis.
Cross dock operation and not a team track in the true sense of the word.