I think this is fantastic news for SP and all model rr fans. Who doesn’t like the Daylight colors?
I wonder what all passenger trains they plan on doing? I hate to speculate too much, but it looks as if they are going to be doing a few passenger trains.
If any of you watch the 1950s “Adventures of Superman” show which is still airing in syndication, the trains in the opening sequence of the show ( “More powerful than a locomotive”]) are Daylights!
In the early “black & white” seasons the Steamer is a GS unit, but it has a single light instead of the Mars light so I know it’s not a GS-4.
In the later “color” version A pair of E7s whip by with a train. You see the rotating Mars light for about 2 seconds.[:D]
good eye fp45
I can still see both
Too bad it cost so much…
I can’t wait!!! Ill be sure to get one GS-4 and at LEAST 10 cars.
here is the 1939 consist:
baggage chair – chair – articulated chair – diner/kitchen/coffe – articulated chair – articulated chair – tavern – parlor – parlor obs . ( 14 cars )
Hope it helps anyone. I will be sure to buy this consist!! Smallest of all of the recent ones!!!
Ah…one thing I forgot to ask. Will it have loksound or QSI??? I heard BLI got in trouble for voilating patent rights on their sound system…
ha ha [bow] ha ha [bow] ha ha [bow] ha ha [bow] [:D] I guess I will have to start saving for this one! [:D] Has anyone done the math yet? The cars listed are a cool $2170 + $450 for the GS4 locomotive and $600 for the A-B-A PA3 set. I can see the home equity market getting real warm on this one.
WOW!!! Thats a lot of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$[:O]
$1405.00 for my consist listed above, with engine ( dcc/sound)
Well It’s going to cost me $0.00 for this one.
HAHA, lol. [;)] Not biting huh? I don’t think I’ll spend that much either. I already have some daylight cars. Might just get:
articulated chair – diner/kitchen/coffe – articulated chair – chair – parlour/obs and fill in the rest with my own cars. Still…its a lot of $$$$$$$$$$$$$4
For those out there expressing concern on the cost of the Daylight consist, consider the other options:
Challenger Daylight consist - 10 car train approx $3800.00 street price
Coach Yard 1937 Daylight consist 10 car consist $4400.00 ($3900. street price).
average price for a single brass Daylight passenger car factory painted: $350.00 - $500.00; unpainted $200 - $350.00
If you are truly a SP Daylight fan, you know Athearn, Rivarossi, Walthers, etc cars will not fit the bill. SP Daylight cars were unique; not standard offerings from Pullman-Standard or ACF or Budd. IMHO part of the appeal of the entire train. Several passenger trains were uniquely designed during the early days of streamlining. Each railroad wanted to make a statement. Design, modern technology and efficiency were paramount.
I for one, will be waiting in line for my order. Yes, this is an investment; however have you seen the CZ cars? Picture a consist looking as good as those cars SP Daylight style. The pricing does’nt seem to bad…
Happy Railroading!
[:D] You made me drool…[;)][:D] Can’t wait till '07 !!! [:D]
THOSE not wanting to pay $$ for the BLI cars can buy the COACH YARD set @ $4400 or the ATHEARN (ATSF cars) in Daylight paint scheme.
Betcha’ you’ll need TWO Bachmann GS-4’s to pull either.
WESTSIDE GS-4s are still around (used) for $350 - $400) painted and are good buys, since this is about the price of a 4 color a 'Daylight 'custom paint job.
Don’s right on those Westside brass GS’s. I’ve got two, a Daylight and a stripped down ‘war-baby’ and they’ll pull anything you want to put behind them. And there’s plenty of room for a decoder and sound system in the tenders. If the new GS coming out won’t pull your 14-car Daylight, then search around for a Westside. It’ll pull not only ;that, but you can attach 15 or 20 PFE reefers to the obs, just for kicks, LOL!
I will be using a Westside GS-4, that I purchased new in 1979. Since then, I have replace the KTH open frame motor with a Sagami motor, with dual shafts ( I added a flywheel); last month I installed a Tsunami sound decoder and a Intervox S11X16VNS oval speaker. It is also outfitted with LED headlight, taillight and a Miniatronics Mars circuit (the dual bulb MARS has an effect much different than the single lamp DCC MARS effect). I highly recommend the Intervox speaker for your steam tenders!
I would think a PCM/BLI could pull 14 cars, but I’ll look on ebay and see if they have a westside. Is it a good runner???
OK, nothing on ebay.
Thanks for the info.
And I also own a Westside GS-4, #4449. Westside also did a passenger car set. I’m still kicking myself for not buying them as the price was very reasonable.