A new Diorama (Photo Intensive)

Here are pics showing a “scratch-built” diorama I’ve completed. The farm scene was inspired by Karl Osolinski’s “Burley’s Farm” I saw on his website. It will be incorporated onto my new layout (still in the planning stages) …

This first pic shows an overall “panoramic” shot of the diorama:

These next four pics show the farm house in detail. The foundation was done using “crushed rock”. The drinking well was also done in this manner. The laundry being put out to dry was done using bathroom tissue. Woodland Scenics figures and a Jordan car complete the scene:

These next pics show the barn. The barn was assembled using “board-by-board” construction. The shake roof was done using construction paper. In order to get the look I was after, the shakes were located in place one by one! The process was slow, but the end result was worth the extra effort. The hay seen spilling out of the barn was done using Woodland Scenics “Harvest Gold” Field Grass. Once again, WS figures were used throughout:

These next pics show the repair shed. Here again board-by-board construction was used to construct the building. The cement floor was “cast” in place prior to ins

Nice work Bob it looks real to me. You must have spent a lot of time creating it.

Great work, Bob! Your diorama is an inspiration! Will be anxious to see how this scene fits into your layout as it develops! Kudos for some excellent modeling!


P.S. Do you have pictures of your other work? Would love to see more from you!

I certainly enjoy the photo’s. Your attention to detail is inspiration to do better on my layout; even though I use the “good enough” approach.

I hope that you have a master plan for all of the dioramas so that they will really fit in the new layout.

Thanks for sharing.

Great work. I appreciate your artistic comments on the subject of creative exageration. Too much is too much and not enough leaves things looking unfinished. Your shingles are a great example of about right. You have also mastered the Cluttered look.

The silo is the best example yet of why board by board with pre-stained boards give a unique look. The gaps in the barn also do that.

Like so many others, I wonder about the “new layout” Will it be added to the existing, or a “start over” in a new place, or will the existing layout be broken down to use the same space???

Looking at your work is like stepping into a time machine and hitting the button… [:)]



Only one word comes to mind…breathtaking!

It looks so realistic, it looks like my grandparents place when I was a kid.

Wow! I am lost for words! Now that’s what dirorama is suppose to be! After seeing this and after seeing part the BNSF Mojave Mainline DVD, you have inspired me to put a similar scene in my N scale layout…

Art: The new layout (once a room addition can be done) will probably be a start over project. I will however keep most of the structures and equipment, but rearrange the scenery and trackplan.

Phil: I’m glad i brought back some of your childhood memories…

Outstanding Bob! I can’t wait to see your new layout.



Simply wonderful! What do you use for the hardware on the doors, the hinges on the barn doors for example? I made hinges from foil offcuts, but was not too pleased with the result.

Since it was you that inspired me to even try scratch-building, here is a shot of my most recent effort, also a farm related scene. Thanks for continuing the inspiration.

As my son would say anytime he sees a picture of a model he likes:

Coooooooolllll! Niiiiiiiiccccccee!


That came out well.

You see that Bob? Simon is after your crown as king of the scratchbuilders! [swg]

Great job Simon! That scene really kind of tells a story. I like it.

Don’t worry Bob. Your’s still has more sentimental value for me. [;)]


Nice work! I like how you worked the tree into the scene. It really adds a nice touch.

In response to your question on hinges, I used Grandt Line hinges for the barn doors, and again for the farm house wooden shutter.

Wow lol. I thought the second picture was real! Nice Job

awesome work The new layout will be awesome!![bow]


Excellent job. This is about as good as it can get. I always look forward to seeing your pics. These pictures give us all something to strive for.


Bill, you can see more of my work by clicking onto my web page link or by going onto my Photobucket account. Search the user name: Engineerbob.

I have seen close to 100 layouts over the 20 years I’ve been in the hobby, and I’am part artist myself. I really enjoy people having fun and desire for what they really enjoy. I am working on my layout , here and there , and like most railfans, I want to go that extra mile. I think it’s all about the little details!! I wish more people would take half the effort as you. Again Great Job!

Fantastic work… Joe