A New Fan To Keep The Trainroom Cool.


Don’t tell me, let me guess…

It’s a rail fan.

That’s right!

You sure must snow a lot about trains.[:D]


Don’t stick yer fingers in THERE!!!

Honey, have you seen the dog?

No sweetie, when’d you last see him?

Going into your layout room.

Uhm, maybe he ran away [voice cracking]? [:-^] thoughts: maybe the suggestion to put a screen in front of that fan to prevent things gettin stuck in there was a good idea…

Wonder if you can lay scenery or ballast with that?

If you run it to the east end of the ex-Rock Island main in Amarillo, TX, you’ll be able to lay a lot of ballast on the adjacent scenery with that. Presuming that it’s actually 1:1 scale, that is.

(For those who haven’t been there, the track ends under a pile of about two dump trucks worth of gravel.)

Chuck (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - with a wedge, but no rotary)

I could use one of them suckers in my garage !