Come on, be honest! I can take it. . .[B)] What do you read first when your issue comes in the mail?
I read the letters then the product announcements and reviews.
I read the ads and letters first usually.
- Marc’s Editoral ('cause he’s the boss)
- Peter Jones’ column (for all that wonderful wit and inspiration)
- My own column (to see if you have fixed all my bad grammar)
Hi Rene,
I voted “IT DEPENDS”, I enjoy looking or thumbing through the magazine first to see what catches my eye. I then start at page one and read the magazine from cover to cover a number of times to be sure that I didn’t miss anything. Of course as I go cover to cover I also check all the advertisements each time so I am sure that I didn’t miss anything.
Lord, isn’t my old High School Engli***eacher going to be proud of me? I look at the Table of Contents first, then promptly disregard it and go page by page from front to back! 48 years out of school and I still look at the TOC on most everything i get my hands on!
First thing is the letter from Marc.
The front cover! Isn’t that the page one sees first?
Matthew, [bow]
It depends, normally I flip throught it and read what ever catches my eye’s 1st, then the rest.
I had to vote “It Depends”.
First up letters to the Editor and then the reviews.
I then skim through to see if an article interests me.
Lastly the ads.
I’m a bit more direct than Jeff–I go straight to my column to start. [;)]
But after that, I bounce around looking at the photos first, and seeing what catches my interest. Hard to say if there’s any particular order.
My normal (as if there is anything normal about me) sequence is as follows.
- Complete examination of the cover. I tend to concentrate on segments of the picture to see what someone else did that I can easily modify/adapt to my GRR. (normally about 10 minutes)
- Quarter page or smaller advertisements. This usually takes some time, as I’m sitting at the computer, going to their web site and seeing what else they are offering that I might be interested. (about 2~3 hrs.)
- Feature article.
- Other articles starting with the ones with most/largest pictures.
- Pull out plan
5a) (4 & 5 again) - From the Editor, Q&A, Letters etc. (no particular order, this is usually about day 3)
- I finally get around to the full page advertisements during the second week. I tend to ignore the 4 and 6 page ads, other than looking at the web address.
I usually start with Marc’s comments then move on to letters from the readers followed by a quick skim of the product reviews. Then I browse all the articles to find the one that really catches my attention.
I can’t get the poll thingy to work, but my answer is “it depends”. I usually do a quick scan of the cover, then skim through the mag to whatever catches my eye. I usually read one or two “eye catching” articles first. Then I read through the whole thing cover to cover.
I always look to see what idiocy that Goodson fellow has to say…
Hi Rene
I forget the cover
and go staight to the pullout plan in the middle can we go back to railway plans please.
Then to the contence page looking for construction articals including the gardening as well.
Then look at other peoples railways followed editorial and comentary type articals product reviews
and the adverts last.
The adverts are a pain I would prefer them as just one section with its own
index a bit like those local business directories rather than spread through the whole mag.
A lot easier to find the product or company you are or might be looking for that way. [2c]
regards John
Where are you? Kinda suspect you might be on Delmarva to be a fan of that particular RS-3 paint job! I know a G club that has had several meetings in the old Hurlock station! I would have sent an e-mail but your profile & info did not allow it!
I’m the same as Tony W. word for word.
But If Rene does not have an artical in it, I’m truely disappointed.
But as with this up coming issue, i know Jens and will probably go right to the artical.
Marc’s letter from the editor usually has to be read in the throne room.[;)]
Okay, I’ll admit it. I normally go for the “centerfold” first, then go through looking at the pictures.
First thing I read? The cover.
Then I look at the pull out plan, then thumb thru it and read articles based on level of my interest on the subject matter.