I’m afraid this post must start on a bit of a sad note. A couple of years ago, I used a 3D printed cab and scratchbuilt water tank to convert a Bachmann On30 2-6-0 to a 2-6-2 saddle tank engine. Although it looked good, it didn’t run as well as I would have liked. A few weeks ago, I took it apart to try to tune it up, and add a currentkeeper to improve power pickup. Unfortunately during this, it took an accidental express trip to concrete junction. Most of the damage was to the body, and I did try to repair it. Unfortunately, my efforts were not successful.
As such, I decided to build another no. 8. Given that the original mechanism hadn’t been running properly even before the accident, I decided to start completely from scratch. However, the new no. 8 would be a similar design to the original.
I started out with the mechanism from a Bachmann HO scale 2-6-2 Prairie, identical to the one I’d previously used for my Pebble River Mining #28 side-tank engine. I’ve found that this is a reliable, robust mechanism. Most of my approach to this build was the same as what I did for #28.
I started by cutting some 1.5mm styrene to fit around the chassis, then added a dropped cab floor at the rear. I then added brass bar around the edges of the main footplate, to reinforce it.
Following this, I found the PVC pipe I’d used for the tank of the original no. 8 and cut another piece of it to length. After cutting it in half lengthwise, I sanded it smooth and glued some 4mm x 4mm styrene strips onto the bottom of it. Once this was dry, I cut some 0.25mm styrene sheet to size and glued it around the tank. A