A potential mini-coup for railroad art

I presented a detailed idea to have a railroad themed art piece commissioned for the City I live in and recommended a relatively well known artist. They will present my idea to the arts board for consideration in 3-4 months. I’ll let you know if it goes through or not. I didn’t think it would get this far. If they accept my idea…it will be soooo cool. :slight_smile:

Here is an example of a RR community, Lemoyne PA, coming together with a lot of history, note the PRR E unity in the center of the mural. And, the reason the civil war cannon is there as Lemoyne was the highwater mark for the Confederate army march North. Sit back and enjoy:


Very nice. Several buildings in a nearby village have wall-sized murals highlighting both the St Lawrence river and the railroad that terminated there.

Cool! Best of luck on that!

Not quite a large as Lemoyne PA’s mural but Ashland Va has one too.

Here’s the article, scroll down to see it.


OK, so I was talking art painting that hangs on a wall. Though I can suggest the mural when it comes up for review. North Texas is a little too conservative for wall murals, in my view. We’ll see. My idea though with the art wall painting was they could retain the publishing rights and sell lithographs of the painting, create Christmas cards and sell those, etc. Use the proceeds from publishing costs to partially defray the original commission costs.

An additional idea I had was on the back of a Christmas or greeting card they could have a place for about 6-10 stamps. Sell the stamps and ink pads to local merchants and once the holder gets say like 10 stamps they can show the card to be stamped and redeemed for a free T-Shirt (they would keep the card it just would be voided with a stamp by the city)…this could be done as a way to recover some foot traffic to local businesses in the city post-pandemic.

Anyways, we will see where this all goes.

Areas of Jackson, MS do this with a ‘twist’; there is a booklet (I think produced by the local Chamber of Commerce’ that is like a little guide to local attractions. Businesses have an individual page describing them, with a coupon or offer … and a place for a stamp. Visit enough different businesses and you qualify for a special premium…

Note that you could have different premiums for different interests – not everyone wants a shirt, but there are other ‘town boosting’ items that could be awards. And you could have better prizes for more stamps obtained.

Something to watch out for is that I don’t know if you can require a purchase to get a stamp, if in the end it’s redeemable for merchandise. It’s not the same as trading stamps or ‘points’ tied to the value of your purchase (which you could also adopt) – but then again, if someone gets to the point they go in and ask for the stamp on a card or brochure they’ve gotten the whole of the advertising message intended.

Beware making the shirt and other merch too special. If the thing starts to be ‘valuable on eBay’ you may start to see organized groups redeeming these – have appropriate boilerplate about this.

And consider changing some or all of the short designs by year, or season, and date them, to keep interest and local pride up.

I’m sure there are a great many variants of this approach across the

Many C of Cs have some variation on the booklet scheme for local businesses.

I like the idea of a framed painting hung on the wall rather than a wall mural. Did you just decide to present the idea or did they ask for proposals? Did you suggest an exact subject of the painting?

There was a link on the city website for citizens to submit ideas for the arts commission. I sent in a detailed description with web links and they sent me an immediate response back stating their plate was full right now but they would consider this in the April - May timeframe at one of their meetings and she would respond back to me with what they decided. I wanted a railroad print because the towns here in North Texas are tied to the railroads that go through them via city name. For example FRISCO Texas has the ex-FRISCO going through it. The towns that parallel Highway 75 NW of Dallas (which is named Central Expressway after the Houston and Texas Central railway), the towns are named after officers or siblings or relatives of the Houston and Texas Central railway.

Prior to the interurban we also had the “Bonham Overland Stage Line”…I think that was the name… go through here so it would be cool to have that represented in the painting as well. The Stage line made a circuitious route connecting a lot of the suburban stations with outlying communities.

Talk of any kind of ‘coup’ these days is dangerous.

But some RR art in Washington DC might dampen the talk there.