I have been reading lots of threads about consisting, speed matching, BEMF, etc. Not being a DCC user on my own layout, only a DCC operator on friends layouts, I have not commented on these threads as I did not have anything constructive to add.
But it got me thinking, so here is my question/comment.
As a DC user I find that identical units, like say 3 Proto 2000 GP7’s without decoders, run perfectly together on the pulse width control of my Aristo Train Engineer. And I find this to be almost universally true, all brands, all models, forward, reverse, etc. Is it possible that the trouble some people experiance with the speed matching muliple identical units in DCC is a decoder problem?
It would seem to me, if three units run well together on DC, and I install identical decoders, set all CV’s the same, they should still run the same. BUT, if the decoders are different brands/models or maybe even just different production runs with slightly different “generic” components, that could explain why the units respond differently or require extensive speed matching.
I may be completely wrong here, but surely I would think one would be well advised to use the same decoder in all units of a “set” of diesels expected to run together?
Just a thought, your thoughts please.