A question for us hoggers.

[:0] I was just wondering what the average American locomotive engineer thought about our merger of the BLE to the Teamsters.

I am also curious. However, the more there is agreement between railroader and railroader, the stronger the industry will be, and this merger should reduce conflict among working railroaders. Will it? Dave Klepper

it could go either way…it might be a good thing…or it might be bad… we will see how much the union dues go up…
csx engineer

we know that the dues wont go up for another year. then they will probley go up 10 bucks. but remeber we can vote to go back the way we were within the 2 year period. I think it will make us stronger. In transportation as a group. but the wait and see process is on going.

Its hard too say. WE ALL need to stick together and quit letting the carriers get away with everything.

Youse guys need to drop this thread. I might hafta send a couple a da b’houys over to talk sense to ya, see? [ In all honesty, I’m NOT impressed by anything BLE does or HAS done in the last ten years. UTU isn’t exactly virginal, either.]

I agree with CSX engineer…he stole my own words [;)]