a railroad 101 book or video, anyone know of one?

I am looking for a book or a video that gives an overview of what a railroad does. Explaining the major pieces of a railroad and how they work together. It does not need to be in depth just a basic high level view. Does anyone know of something like this out there?

Ya, I could write this myself, though my work load on this project is rather high, so something to make the process faster on this module would be great.

John Armstrong’s “The Railroad - What it is, What it does” would fit the bill. It’s been out of print for quite a while but still can be found online sometimes, or at RR flea markets. Much of it was reprinted in his “Track Planning for Realistic Operation” book. Kalmbach offers other books which, though aimed at new model railroaders, cover what real railroads do also.

It’s a baisic textbook for aspiring Transportation Planners. Includes some history of the technology, operations, and equipment. A number of copies are available through Amazon for less than $10.00.

“Track Planning for Realistic Operation” has information from “The Railroad” relating to track planning and operations, including some of the same diagrams, and additional info oriented to to creating a model Railroad.

"It appears that “The Railroad” would be the better book for your purpose